
Everyone's journey into wellness is unique, but there's one common thread that often separates the goals we quit from the goals that stick. It's not just what we do or even how we do it. Motivation to make real, lasting change in our lives comes from our reason why. mbg teamed up with WW for My Why to share new science-backed insights, inspiration, and actionable strategies that help keep your Why close by.
Have you heard about Quitter's Day? It's a thing—technically the second Friday in January—and it marks the day that, based on data from recent research, self-motivation to keep up New Year's resolutions takes a hit and starts to die down. We've all been there!
So now's a good time for a reminder that transformation isn't ever something that just happens one day—it's present in the seemingly small thoughts, actions, and decisions that occur every single day from the moment we're ready to change or reach a new goal. And it's often a journey that gets harder before it gets easier (especially when it comes to our health, wellness, and quality of life).
Just ask the greatest minds, leaders, and voices in our history. For a bit of extra inspiration and motivational oomph that's much-needed beyond the second Saturday of the new year, remember why you set your goals in the first place, and read on for 15 reasons to never give them up.