Kelly McDonnell-Arnold, M.A., MBA, RSW
Certified Sexologist & Registered Social Worker
Kelly McDonnell-Arnold is a certified sexologist, individual and relationship therapist, masters level registered social worker (RSW) and registered psychotherapist (RP). She is the cofounder of Sexology International and runs Bliss Counselling. She received her double undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology with honors from Wilfrid Laurier University, after which she pursued a master’s degree in forensic sexology at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia. She has completed additional training in EMDR Therapy and holds a certificate in sex therapy from the University of Guelph, and finally a master’s of business administration with a specialization in healthcare administration from Niagara University. Kelly is passionate about providing ‘sex-positive,’ fresh, and reliable sexology information in all its complexity (but in a simple-to-understand message), empowering others to explore and own their sexuality.
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