Florence Comite, MD
Precision Medicine Doctor
Dr. Florence Comite is a clinician-scientist and innovator in the field of precision medicine. She is world-renowned for her expertise in predicting, preventing, and reversing chronic disease and the disorders associated with aging. In 2005, Dr. Comite founded the Comite Center for Precision Medicine & Health where she practices a clinically proven, academic approach to personalized healthcare, structured as a clinical trial. By interpreting genomic, metabolic, phenotypic, and digital health data, the center provides clients with predictive analysis and individualized action plans to help them look and feel younger, stronger, and healthier, and remain active well into their 90s and beyond.
Dr. Comite is a graduate of Yale School of Medicine where she was a faculty member for 25 years, with a triple appointment in Endocrinology (Internal Medicine and Pediatrics) and Reproductive Endocrinology (Gynecology and Andrology). She trained at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. In 1992, Dr. Comite founded Women’s Health at Yale.
Dr. Comite has published original research in dozens of clinical journals and is a sought-after keynote speaker around the world. She is the Amazon bestselling author of Keep It Up: The Power of Precision Medicine to Conquer Low T and Revitalize Your Life.
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