
In spiritual practices all over the world, bath rituals serve as a form of rebirth. We unify with the sacred waters for detoxification, regeneration, and clarity. As we bathe, we're taking a moment to reflect, set intention, and wash away old habits and patterns that no longer serve our highest good, all while making our skin sing from the inside out!
I learned about healing ritual baths from the native women of the Peruvian Amazon while apprenticing there. These women use baths to heal almost any spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical illness. From receiving these baths, I experienced complete inner balance and as a result, began to feel more beautiful.
My studies in the Amazon combined with my experience with herbal medicine, yoga, crystals, and sound healing led me to develop my own ritual baths.
Bath for Inner & Outer Beauty
This ritual is for inner and outer beauty and nourishes the mind, body, and spirit in one sacred bath. When we feel beautiful from within, it's apparent externally. I recommend you practice this bath once a week as a special treat to honor yourself and your beauty.
What you'll need:
- 2 cups pink Himalayan salt
- 1 cup red wine
- 2 cups dried calendula flowers*
- 2 cups fresh or dried pink rose petals
- lemon balm tea*
- 1 cup cacao powder*
- rose quartz crystal
- a flower the represents beauty to you
- a candle you love
- raw, local honey
- white sage
*You can steep all these ingredients together in a tea prior to the bath, and then add the brew to your tub. Or toss them all in as-is for a pretty (albeit messy) bath.
Create a sacred space:
Make a small altar near the tub using a candle, a rose quartz crystal, a flower, and any other personal power items that represent beauty to you.
Perform the ritual:
Set up your altar and combine all the ingredients in your tub.
Cover yourself head-to-toe in raw, local honey (yes, even your hair!), then light a piece of white sage with the flame from your altar candle and burn it around your entire body, even under the soles of your feet.
As you stand there naked, covered in honey, burning sage, take a moment to ask yourself if there are any outdated, untrue, or unkind beliefs you’ve held about your appearance. Check to see where your current level of self-worth is.
After letting the honey set into the skin for seven minutes, step into the bath.
Practice Kapalabhati (shining skull breath) by exhaling from the nostrils, inhaling three-quarters of capacity and then taking at least eight quick, sharp forceful exhales through the nose. Repeat three times. Then say this mantra at least three times: I am precious, I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am.
Close your eyes and soak for as long as you'd like in the powerful energy you've created.
When you're done with the bath, blow out the candle to signify the close of the ritual, and enjoy all its beautiful benefits.