11 Signs You Need A Spiritual Detox & How To Make It Happen

These days, it's all too easy to consume "spiritual junk food"—reality TV that doesn't feed our souls, never-ending social media feeds, etc. Of course, there's nothing wrong with this kind of junk food in moderation, but it's possible to go overboard. Just like the body, the soul needs the occasional cleanse. That's when it's time for what I like to call a spiritual detox.
11 signs you might need a spiritual detox.
- You find yourself scrolling through your newsfeed seeking negativity. Misery loves company.
- You open your mouth and spew sarcasm unintentionally. You try to be more mindful when you speak, but you can’t seem to help yourself.
- Your friends don't want to be around you.
- Your heart hurts. Or worse, it doesn’t. You are numb.
- You find pleasure in other people’s misfortunes. (Again, misery loves company.)
- Happy people piss you off. You don’t even want to hear the word "joy."
- You don’t sleep well. You’re having bad dreams and catch yourself grinding your jaw. A lot.
- You keep finding yourself in circumstances where you feel like the victim.
- You shy away from prayer, meditation, anything inspirational.
- You are bored—all the time.
- You can’t even remember the last time you took a walk, watched the sunset or sunrise, walked barefoot in the grass, or felt the summer breeze on your face.
6 ways to spiritually detox.
If you'e established you're in need of a spiritual cleanse, here are a few ways to do it. Do these things with compassion and above all else, be kind to yourself. We're all doing the best we can, and everyone wants to be happy and free from suffering.
Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and genuinely make you happy.
Laughter is good for your soul. Seek the company of those who make you feel light and buoyant. Don’t question why you enjoy someone, just enjoy them.
Uplift others.
When you feel down, it can be helpful to find the things you enjoy about others and offer that feedback liberally. It’s important to remember that the things we see in others are also reflections of ourselves. Find a way to connect with and uplift someone and you'll feel better almost instantly.
Try shifting your addiction to kindness.
Kindness is a drug. When you extend, witness, or receive an act of kindness, your body releases serotonin. As cliché as it may sound, practice a random act of kindness. You'll feel great in doing so.
Make time and space to develop a meditation practice.
Meditation soothes the soul. Turning inward is a beautiful way to clear away the muck of spiritual junk food. Listening to your internal wisdom is a quick path to shedding that which does not serve you.
Get in touch will all of your senses.
Go outside. Enjoy the weather. Move, sweat, and breathe. This will bring you into a visceral experience of the magic of this life—and it is so worth it.
Seek something sacred.
Turn to joy. At our essence, we are spiritual beings who share a human experience. Sometimes the heaviness of our human experience can weigh us down. It’s important to remember that you are more than this physical body. You are expansive consciousness. As such, you can find and experience joy even within difficult circumstances. Mindfully start training yourself to start looking for the gift in the moment. Like anything worth practicing, it can be difficult at first, but over time, it becomes easier.
You can come back to these methods of spiritual detoxication any time you need them—which you likely will, and that's OK. It's nearly impossible to be at 100% all the time, so when you need a spiritual detox, these options are here for you.