
A fiery February is ahead—and it's only getting more intense. With Mars in Aries, two game-changing eclipses, and a close Jupiter-Uranus faceoff, the simmering pot is coming to a boil.
Breaking news: There's gonna be a lot of um, breaking news this February. Fiery Mars has returned to its home sign of Aries until March 9, arousing people's fighting spirits. For some, this will mean raising our voices in escalating protest, especially as the sun visits humanitarian Aquarius until February 18. It could also stoke aggression, as evidenced by the chaos that's erupted since Mars entered Aries on January 27.
We're now in the lunar Year of the Rooster, and it's time to get #woke. More than ever, astrologers are tasked with making sense of the world and offering hope. To help you navigate, we've divided this month's forecast into personal and political updates.
February monthly horoscope: the personal
February is the month of romance, and while hearts and flowers may seem trite, the world needs love more than ever. The February 10 Leo lunar eclipse could be a major moment of opening our hearts and speaking our truths. There could be some eye-opening drama too.
Valentine's Day features both of the love planets, Venus and Mars, in ardent Aries. This could make for steamy physical connections—even a baby boom nine months from now. With the moon and Jupiter in loving Libra today, this is an important day to connect to our closest people. Just watch for jealous Pluto in Capricorn wedging itself into the middle. Whether you're single or coupled, you'll feel a charge in the air.
On February 26, a solar eclipse in Pisces can stoke fantasy and imagination. This new moon eclipse could connect you to a soul mate or tune you into a higher spiritual vibration. Beam us up! Be sure to ramp up your self-care and find ways to get grounded so you're not swept up in this month's turbulence.
February monthly horoscope: the political
Now, let's answer—what the heck is going on in the world?
We're smack in the midst of a yearlong Jupiter-Uranus opposition cycle, which began December 26, 2016, and will run through 2017. Global Jupiter in peacemaker Libra is facing off against radical Uranus in individualistic, warmongering Aries. While Jupiter brings people together across so-called differences, hotheaded Uranus splinters our efforts with rash and ruthless reactions.
Jupiter and Uranus only lock into this angle every 14 years, which can create upheaval, civil unrest, and shocking curveballs. The danger? Hard-won progress can unravel in the name of so-called revolution. Scary figures can come into power. There are two more exact Jupiter-Uranus oppositions this year, on March 2 and September 28. But we'll feel the intensity throughout February.
Hard-won progress can unravel in the name of so-called revolution.
With two eclipses shaking up the status quo this February, we can continue to expect the unexpected. The Leo lunar eclipse on February 10 could reveal outsized egos but we'll also hear the roar of righteous anger. The Lion is the animal kingdom's protector—but it can turn into protectionism.
February's second eclipse is in Pisces, the sign of compassion and creativity. Here's hoping it tunes people to the frequency of love—the highest vibration. Caution: Pisces also rules illusions and hidden agendas, so misinformation and "fake news" could abound today.
The month ends on a volatile note. Combative Mars and power-tripping Pluto will get into a nasty scuffle on February 22. And on February 27, Mars and Uranus make an explosive connection in Aries, facing off against global Jupiter. Yes, that could spell upheaval on the world stage. There will be no suppressing mass outrage if injustice is served.
Want more insight into what the year has in store for you? Check out your love horoscope to learn more about yourself in relationships. Then, read your sun sign's full monthly horoscope here.