Silvia Mordini
Silvia Mordini is a writer, happiness coach, and internationally recognized yoga teacher. In early adulthood she was run over by a car—a life changing accident that led her to heal and transform mind, body and soul. She experienced it as “alchemy,” and went onto become a yoga teacher, studio owner, and developed the now 10 year old international Alchemy of Yoga Teacher Training program. Co-founder of Alchemy Tours, she guides yoga retreats worldwide. From her hometown of Chicago to Seattle, Silvia has been teaching happiness, global awareness, and joyful living for 20 years. She is a well-loved teacher at conferences nationwide.Silvia has devoted her life to inspiring others to be themselves through kick-ass spirituality. She leads Dharma Mentoring courses for socially conscious yogapreneurs.This program provides the mechanics to do the work of spirit and be successful at the same time.
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