Are you curious about aging? Do you want to stay sharp mentally and physically into your 80s, 90s, and beyond?
We do. We’re husband and wife and Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of mindbodygreen, Colleen and Jason Wachob. And we are obsessed with longevity.
From 100,000+ articles to 400+ episodes of our podcast, we’ve accumulated recommendations, ideas, and data from well-being doctors, thought leaders, and experts.
We’re also always on the lookout for groundbreaking studies and thought-provoking news. This is where we’re going to share it all—no filter, no holding back.
What you’ll receive in the The Long Game each week:
- The latest research around extending lifespan
- Health-forward content I’ve enjoyed that week (think YouTube clips, documentaries, podcasts, etc.)
- Hot takes, actionable tips, and everything in between—all related to longevity
- Products we cannot live without (pun intended)
Sign up to receive the goods in your inbox every Friday. You won’t regret it. Here’s to playing the long game.