
1. Bad news for all the noisy-kneed folks out there.
Turns out that squeaking might be a sign that arthritis is in your future. A new study found a correlation between the popping, creaking sounds and early-stage arthritis, visible on an X-ray but not yet manifesting in pain in real life. While this isn't definitive, if your knees sound like a 2-year-old playing with bubble wrap, it might be worth taking a trip to the doctor. (NYTimes)
2. Is a primitive tool about to replace our hand weights?
Well, maybe not in the near future, but Taylor Collins, the co-founder of meat-based superfoods company Epic Provisions, is making a good case for it. Collins uses an atlatl—an ancient hunting tool that resembles an arrow—to exercise his core and upper body, throwing it at targets for a fun full-body workout. (WSJ)
3. Your gut bacteria may be connected to your risk for brain disease.
Still not convinced that your microbiome rules your health? A new study published in the journal Nature was able to connect a rare brain disorder to a type of bacteria living in the gut. And while most scientists and doctors agree that the body's bacterial community plays a role in a variety of diseases, this takes things to a whole new level. (NYT)
4. You're less smelly than you think you are.
George Preti, an organic chemist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, says the amount of odor you produce—and the power of its stench—is actually largely based on different regions of your body that play host to different sorts of microbes. "I’ve smelled so many clothes of people who come into our lab saying that they have the worst body odor in the world," Preti says. "We smell it using a rating scale, and it’s hardly ever bad." Humans tune out smells all the time, but when you're hit with a whiff of your own scent, you're likely to imagine it's worse than it is—because your nose has a front-row seat. (Popular Science)
5. Should you screen for thyroid cancer? Maybe not.
After Rod Stewart's public calls for individuals to get themselves screened for thyroid cancer, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has come out with a vocal counter-message. Dr. Seth Landefeld, a member of the task force, says when it comes to this screening, "The harms outweigh the benefits." (NPR)
6. It's now that much easier to get organic meals everywhere.
Sun Basket, a meal kit delivery service that specializes in organic produce and free-range and pastured proteins, has just received a new influx of capital from Unilever. They're in the process of launching their third distribution facility in the US, which will give them 98% zip code penetration and make them the largest direct-to-consumer distributor of organics in the country. The ability to get healthy food no matter where you live? Now that's a movement we can get behind. (Sun Basket)
7. Nearly one in three FDA-approved drugs are found to have safety concerns.
Researchers in the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital have found that nearly one in three drugs approved between 2001 and 2010 had a post-market safety event, which is defined as "safety concerns, a boxed warning, or FDA issuance of a safety communication." Safety risks emerge around four years after approval, meaning many patients may be exposed to medications before the risks are made clear. (Science Daily)

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN