70 Items Tagged

meditation tricks

A Relaxing Yoga Sequence You Can Do In Bed

Performing a few basic exercises before you power down may lead to a better night's sleep.

#meditation #meditation tricks #yoga #yogis
Kathryn Budig
August 31 2015

15 Things I’ve Learned From Teaching Meditation For 10 Years

I started teaching meditation from my one bedroom apartment in West Hollywood in 2007. Since then, I’ve taught nearly 2,000 people personally to...

#meditation #meditation tricks #mind body connection #personal growth
Light Watkins
August 28 2015

I Was Told I Have ADHD. Here’s Why I Reject That Label

I was chopping carrots for our dinner when my wife asked me a very difficult question:

#meditation #meditation tricks #mind body connection #mindfulness
Charlie Knoles
August 26 2015

4 Ways To Take Your Meditation Practice To The Next Level

What’s the importance of group meditation? Why should I go to one if I already meditate on my own?

#meditation #meditation tricks
Emily Fletcher
August 10 2015

A Quick 1-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere

Renowned Vedic meditation teacher, mindbodygreen contributor and director of The Veda Center, Charlie Knoles, was a guest at this year's revitalize...

#meditation #meditation tricks
Charlie Knoles
August 9 2015

6 Signs You're Meditating All Wrong + What To Do Instead

To make sure we are reaping the true benefits of meditation, we first need to understand some of the most common mistakes people make when starting a...

#meditation #meditation tricks
Amanda Johnson
August 6 2015

7 Radical Ways To Reclaim Responsibility For Your Own Happiness

Is all happiness created equal?

#abundance #happiness #meditation tricks
Light Watkins
July 20 2015

How To Wake Up To Your Divine Potential Every Single Day

What if, every time you create something, you wake up that little piece of God inside of you?

#meditation #meditation tricks #spirituality
Emily Fletcher
June 28 2015

A Mini-Guide For Anyone Who Wants To Start Meditating

The popularity of meditation is a wonderful thing. What could be better than a more peaceful and mindful planet!? But there's also a lot of confusion...

#breathing #meditation #meditation tricks
Paula Watkins, PhD
June 17 2015

7 Excuses People Make For Not Meditating (Is Yours On The List?)

Occasionally, we can all talk ourselves out of doing the very things that we know are good for us, whether it's eating clean, exercising, or staying...

#meditation #meditation tricks #mindfulness
Light Watkins
June 16 2015