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The Beauty & Wellness Routine Kate Hudson Has Been Loving As Of Late

Jamie Schneider
March 14, 2023
Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
By Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
Jamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.
Kate Hudson As Of Late
Image by Gregory Russell / mbg Creative
March 14, 2023
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Beauty routines are never truly stagnant—practices evolve and change like we do. In As of Late, we chat with influential folks about their current products and rituals. Here, we get a snapshot of what they're doing right now: the sacrosanct formulas they use until the last drop, the fresh launches they've got their eyes on, and of course, the why behind it all. 

Kate Hudson is arguably one the most influential beauty icons in the game. Case in point? Her buttercream ensemble and elegant updo in How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days remains a legendary party look to this day—now beloved by the TikTok crowd—and her airy, diffused waves as Penny Lane in Almost Famous provides the ultimate washday inspiration. 

In her recent role as model-turned-fashion-designer Birdie Jay in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Hudson's bold hair and makeup are practically a lesson in vibrant vacation dressing—of course, she also has the luminous skin to go with the glamorous resort wardrobe. 

On the subject of her signature glow: Like other celebs with access to the best treatments, derms, estheticians, and makeup artists, Hudson is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to skin care. During a recent Zoom call, she is quick to rattle off the benefits of vitamin C for collagen synthesis1 and ponder the future of biome-friendly skin care. She thoughtfully marries the true basics of beauty (like the power of a good night's sleep) with budding technologies and innovative tools.

Hudson has always been one of my top beauty inspirations—her fresh, sun-kissed visage is nothing short of sublime—but I left our chat fully understanding just how critically she thinks about the industry at large. For days, I kept thinking that Hudson, truly, is the epitome of mindbodygreen. 

After reading all about her current beauty and wellness routine down below, I expect you will leave feeling the same. 

The tried-and-true: A versatile balm.

"I've said this in 5,000 interviews, but Egyptian Magic. I don't ever travel without it. I put it in my hair, I put it on my eyes, I put it on my lips, I put it on my kids' tushies with diaper changes… I use it for everything. 

"You can get it in Whole Foods or in any kind of market, and it's never led me wrong. It's always been the best." 

Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream

$ 31.99
Barrier creams are certainly blowing up the beauty market lately, but Hudson’s go-to is a cult-favorite classic. With olive oil, beeswax, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and bee propolis, it’s practically a healing elixir for all of your skin woes—no matter where you slather on.
Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream

The surprise hit: Skin care tools. 

"I have to say the surprise hit for me is in tools. I didn't think you could get a tool at home that would actually have a really strong effect on your skin. Then I started with NuFACE…I swear by them now. When I do the NuFACE every day, I feel a huge difference in my skin. I was not expecting that because I always think those things feel gimmicky, but they really work. 

The founder of NuFACE is a friend of one of my best friends, and my best friend was like, 'I have this friend, and she wants to give you a NuFace facial and show you her products.' And I was like, 'OK, cool, I'll take any facial.' She came over and showed me the product, and I was like, whoa.

"Then I started using it consistently—I find that the more consistent you use it, the better… You have to really do it or you're not gonna see [results], but when you do, it's actually shocking." 

NuFACE Trinity Complete

$ 525
NuFACE is capital-B Beloved for facial contour, and their kit includes everything you need: the device itself, a hydrating conductive gel, a target attachment for the lip and eye area, and an LED and infrared therapy attachment. Just heed Hudson’s advice and make sure to stay consistent—that sculpted bone structure is an investment.
NuFACE Trinity Complete

The secret: Good nutrition. 

"It's like every time you say it, eyes roll, [but] the daunting task of eating well—that is the secret. The better you eat, the more hydrated and healthy you are. The less alcohol you drink, the better sleep you get, the more you have a healthy lifestyle and stress less—that is the secret. Everything else is like the cherry on top. 

"Anytime anyone asks me, 'What's your No. 1 secret?' I'm always like, 'It's food, water, and sleep.' When you're doing those things, you're just going to feel and look different. You'll have more energy, more blood circulation, and everything speaks to each other better internally. It's why I started INBLOOM. They're my beauty products, you know? It's inside out. 

"Our Beauty Aura is so good… It feels like you're drinking something sweet and fruity. I love just drinking it plain, but at the same time the Beauty Aura in a coconut-water-based smoothie is so good.

"There's a bunch of different blends for our products that are really yummy. The Beauty Aura with one scoop of protein and one scoop of Essential Elements, which is [filled with] vitamins… That's really good with coconut [and] berries. I also sometimes put my Beauty Aura in my oatmeal.

"Our Beauty Aura is great because we pack it with vitamin C. And what I've discovered through the process of creating these products is that collagen works best when you're pairing it with a high-dose vitamin C2. It absorbs better. I think that's why we've had such great traction with the results of our product, because we have so much vitamin C in there that helps support the collagen. So when you take it, it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing, much more so than just ingesting plain collagen."* 

INBLOOM Discovery Trial Set

$ 20
Hudson’s go-to smoothie includes a scoop of Beauty Aura, Essential Elements, and Green Protein, so why not snag them all with this Discovery Trial Set? The box contains six single serve pouches of goodness for a taste of each nutritional powder. That way, you can find the one (or multiple!) you love before making the splurge.
INBLOOM Discovery Trial Set

The up-and-coming: Biotic skin care.

"I have a friend who created a skin care product called Symbiome. He is a microbiome researcher, and I believe that all things start in the microbiome and your gut, but nobody's really talked about how the skin organ also has its own microbiome, and it's so complex. 

"This is the largest organ on our bodies, our skin. And just like we're looking at our gut microbiome, we also need to be looking at how our skin microbiome is supported. And that's a very different approach to skin care.

"I've been using his product now for like a couple months. It's pretty new, and the way my skin has changed is wild. I think that this scientist is really onto something. He only uses six ingredients and the way he does it is really interesting: He's basically researched an Indigenous tribe for 35 years and [found] the things that a fully formed microbiome has—this particular Indigenous tribe has a fully formed microbiome—so he basically takes those things that come from the environment that we're missing and puts them into his product.

"Everything we do for our skin is about inflammation, and that is where inflammation begins and ends—in our guts and also in our skin's microbiome. So I think that Symbiome and all the other things he's doing are going to be a game changer for skin care."

Symbiome The Answer Reparative Serum

$ 200
This serum is skin rejuvenation in a bottle. It contains naturally regenerative peptides, exosomes, and growth factors derived from healthy human stem cells, along with postbiotics and bionutrients known for their soothing, skin barrier-supporting properties. It’s so good, some reviewers even refer to it as “liquid gold.”
Symbiome The Answer Reparative Serum

The splurge: Laser treatments & water filters.

"I love lasers—and they're not cheap. I think that one of the greatest noninvasive things you can do for your skin and for collagen production is all of the different lasers they have out there. 

"I'm one of those people that still gets pimples. I'm just waiting for that time in my life where I don't get them anymore. Everyone's like, 'When you get older, they go away.' Nope, not for some of us! But they help with that; they help with collagen production, tightening. 

"[They're] the best maintenance for skin and a great splurge. Another good splurge is a really, intensely good water filter system. It's good for our hair and skin when we shower. It's good for when we drink our water… A really great, solid filtration system in your house, to me, is a great beauty splurge." 

"[For lasers] I go to Nurse Jamie. She's been a friend of mine forever. She's got every laser, she's got cryo, she's got stretching machines, she's got an infrared mat. I just go there and do everything." 

The steal: A classic black mascara.

"I will forever love the pink and green mascara [from] Maybelline. It's super black, the waterproof is really good… It's just such a good staple mascara. It's the mascara that you looked at growing up like, 'Oh, I can't wait to be able to use that mascara.'" 

Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara

$ 8.49
I have to agree with Hudson: While there is no shortage of clean, innovative mascara options on the market these days, there’s something about this pink and green tube that still captures my heart. Beauty, after all, is tied to emotion—this bottle practically screams teenage nostalgia.
Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara

What my makeup artist & best friend taught me.

"I got my first [acting] job at 16. When you're working with a ton of different makeup artists, they have so much advice, and it's all good. But one of my favorites was when my makeup artist on Almost Famous told me about how [actor] Paul Newman used to dunk his face in ice before he worked to just get rid of any puffiness. So I started using ice on my face, and this was before everybody had little tools in their freezer. I would just dunk my head in ice, and I'd say that was one of the best tips. 

"Now, I just cold plunge all the time. I do it to my whole body, [and] I love ice on my eyes in the morning. 

"My mom's routine was super quick, so I grew up with more of a no-fuss, very low-maintenance [routine]. Getting into facials and things like that, I really learned from my girlfriends. I have one girlfriend, Sara Foster, who I grew up with and was really the first one to show me a routine because she was so into it.

"She [taught] me the importance of a good monthly facial, taking care of your skin, and even wearing a hat. Sarah was always very conscious of her fair skin. So I would say Sarah taught me my routine. I was a little more rowdy." 

The signature: A sun-kissed glow.

"I love to play and experiment with makeup, but I would think my go-to is really nice sun-kissed skin, bronzy eyes, and a natural lip. A more '70s sun-kissed thing—that's my go-to. I don't know if people see me that way, but that's what I like. Give me a good bronzer, some lip gloss, and a little mascara, and I'm happy.

"I love liquid bronzer, so I use the By Terry Liquid Bronzer. I put it all over my face. Sometimes I even do it before I put makeup on. I like to warm my face up and then put makeup on around it. I love Gucci Westman's Biscuit Contour. I think it's really good, because it's just very matte, so you can add shine around it.

"And there's a really beautiful brand-new [product] that is my new favorite thing. I just got it with my daughter because she's obsessed with makeup—she's 4 years old and already better at it than me. It's called Youthforia But Tonight. I could put this thing on with no makeup on my cheeks—I'm doing it right now—and feel like a different person. It's one of my favorite new products. I put it on, and even Danny [Fujikawa] was like, 'Babe, what happened?' It's such a good product. That's my new favorite." 

By Terry Tea to Tan Face and Body Bronzer

$ 88
This glow enhancer provides such a pretty glow, but you’d be surprised to find there’s actually no tanning agents in the formula. Just cherry fruit water, antioxidant-rich black and red tea extracts, and micro-prisms that create a subtle shimmer. Perfect for “no-makeup makeup” days.
By Terry Tea to Tan Face and Body Bronzer

Youthforia Tinted Blush Oil

$ 36
I literally gasped when Hudson said this was her new favorite blush. I’m personally such a Youthforia superfan, and when you look at the brand’s ultra-hydrating, buildable formula, it’s not difficult to see why Hudson also fell in love. This rich terracotta shade (Hudson’s pick) instantly warms up your complexion and fuses to your skin like a dream.
Youthforia Tinted Blush Oil

Westman Atelier Face Trace Contour Stick

$ 48
Westman Atelier truly has the most buttery contour sticks for a soft, blendable finish, thanks to organic jojoba oil and vitamin E. Pro tip: In addition to sculpting your cheekbones, tap some product on your lids and hairline to enhance the glow.
Westman Atelier Face Trace
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

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