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mbg Action Week Is Back: How To Feel Closer (From 6 Feet Away)

March 01, 2021
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
By Matt Scheetz, NASM-CPT
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Matt Scheetz is a brand strategist at mindbodygreen and a NASM-certified personal trainer.
Yoga in a virtual world
Illustration by Mikyung Lee / Contributor
March 01, 2021

It's not just you. After a full year in quarantine and away from friends and family, it's more than understandable if you're beginning to feel "COVID fatigue" setting in. But if you're like us, there's one underlying sentiment that's kept our spirits up throughout all of this—that we're all in it together. 

But, in a time when social distancing has become the norm, what does "together" mean anymore? For us, it means getting creative with how we connect, share ideas, and interact in ways that feel meaningful. Easier said than done, we know.

If you've been following along, mbg Action Week has motivated our community to make their voice heard, green-ify their routine, and support their community. And while each of these actions has focused on one unique and specific goal, our fourth installment with Yogi® Tea will be aimed at the unifying theme that ties them together: connection. Here are some of our favorite ways to (safely) connect with the people and experiences that fill us with joy.

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