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This Taurus Supermoon Is The Largest Full Moon Of The Century: Here's How To Make The Most Of It

The AstroTwins
November 14, 2016
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Photo by Stocksy
November 14, 2016

Plant those feet on solid earth: The November 14 supermoon in earthly Taurus grounds us after an emotional rollercoaster of a week.

As a full moon lights the skies in the sign of the tenacious and opinionated Bull, millions of people are still grappling from the shocking results of a historic election that shook the U.S. to the core. Outcome aside, we need to sharpen our knowledge of all sides of the issues at hand, and empower ourselves as advocates for what we most believe in.

We can harness the steady and persistent energy of Taurus, refusing to be silent about injustice. Change is in the air, and this grounding Taurus energy may finally help those of us who've been dazed and confused get back into our bodies and sense.

This year's Taurus full moon is also a powerful and potent supermoon. It's the largest full moon since 1948 and if you miss it, you'll have to wait until 2034 for the next one. On November 14, the Taurus supermoon will be at its largest and brightest when it becomes full within approximately two hours of "perigee"—the point in its elliptical orbit when it is approximately 30,000 miles closer to the Earth.

Outside of politics, this full moon can also catalyze personal goals that you've worked long and hard for over the past six months. If you've got your sights set on a target, this might be the day you go after it full-throttle, much like the "toro, toro" charging at the matador's cape. Sensual Taurus can also help us make like peaceful Ferdinand the Bull, who sat in the field munching clover all day. So get out in nature, indulge your earthly appetites with some shopping or a decadent meal, pamper yourself (who else could use a 90-minute massage?). Don't hate, luxuriate.

The Taurus supermoon is also called a Beaver Moon. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the full moon that falls during the month of November was named after the beaver by both colonists and Algonquin tribes. The Beaver Moon marked the time of year for setting beaver traps before the swamps froze to ensure a supply of warm furs that would last the winter.

The two weeks following a full moon are an extension of the "harvest" period.

Remember that full moons are harvesting times, where we reap the benefits of the corresponding new moon that occurred six months earlier. So go ahead and grab those bounties by the er, beaver—in the most metaphorical sense, of course. Check your calendar: The seeds you planted back at May's Taurus new moon may be ripe and ready to bear their fruit this week. It's like the old Mexican proverb goes: "They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds." Bonus: The two weeks following a full moon are an extension of the "harvest" period, so work with Taurus until the end of November (and beyond if need be!) to see what arises. It's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Of course, under the headstrong and fired-up Taurus full moon, we must guard against even more extreme acts, as people dig their heels in and defend their positions, lessening the chances of productive dialogue. Take care, friends—and follow the mandate of principled Taurus to do the right thing.

In responsible Taurus style, let us all hold ourselves and others accountable for defending everyone's humanity. And let's hold America's new leadership accountable for keeping everyone safe, represented and protected.

Here are eight empowering ways to invite Taurus supermoon manifestation into your life:

1. Know the rules.

Taurus is old-school and also a pragmatist at heart. Instead of reinventing the wheel or bucking the system, try a novel approach: do things the way they were designed. Our culture is obsessed with anything new, and now more than ever there's a global call to squash the patriarchy. As a result, everything’s gotten annoyingly complicated. The Taurus supermoon reminds us that sometimes, trying too hard can muck up the whole process. At the Taurus full moon, you’ll succeed in your world-bettering and consciousness-raising endeavors with honesty, humility and good old-fashioned hard work. Following simple, thoughtful steps is the fast path to results now. But it's going to take more than hashtag activism: it's going to take real nose-to-the-grindstone effort.

2. Practice radical presence.

The idea of “being in the moment” can sound like a platitude; something your yoga teacher says before everyone rushes off post-Savasana to check their iPhones. The Buddhists know that being Zen is achieved by finding the rhythm, flow and grace in the mundane—the notion of “washing your bowl” or “chop wood, carry water.” Taurus governs the zodiac’s house of daily routines and is also ruled by sensual Venus. At the Taurus supermoon, find beauty in boredom, wisdom in waiting, holiness in the humdrum and the test within tolerance. We always joke that enlightenment isn’t measured by how long we can meditate, but that it’s enduring the crazy without losing our cool. Try to breathe through something that seems really dark and just plain crappy right now. Remember: it's always darkest before the dawn.

3. Embrace your inner material girl (or guy).

Taurus rules the zodiac’s second house of work money, earned income and material prosperity. It may be considered gauche to flaunt wealth, and part of the New Age culture is definitely an unspoken disdain for consumerism—well, outside of approved brands these days (don't get us started). Understandably, capitalist greed is wreaking major havoc on our planet. But we’re still “spiritual beings having a human experience”...and that means we live in a three-dimensional world, reliant on our five senses. At the pleasure-loving Taurus supermoon, spending money is a way of affirming the universe’s generosity by enjoying its tangible bounty. It sends a message to the universe: I trust you to take care of me! Bonus: We could all probably benefit from indulging in a little retail therapy right now.

If you struggle with fear or scarcity around money, the Taurus full moon is a reminder that money is energy, and we have to put it back into the universal supply by keeping it in circulation.

Indulging yourself is a must under this lunar spell. “Where is the joy in life without a taste of the finer things?” asks Taurus. Treating yourself like royalty sends a powerful message of “I’m worthy” to the psyche. Since Taurus governs our self-esteem, this luxe boost will be well timed. But nothing flashy or over-the-top please. Taurus is about timeless elegance and tasteful choices.

4. When in doubt, follow your nose!

Sensual Taurus knows the power of subtle cues, like the texture of luxe fabrics, the richness of gourmet food, and the olfactory power of a fine eau de whatever. Taurus energy is particularly tuned into the sense of smell. You might head to a perfumerie with a blending bar and develop your own signature scent. If you’re more into the natural, play with essential oils until you find the right combination. Your skin’s pH also makes a difference. Get samples of scents you like and let them sit on your wrist for a few hours to see how they change. A spray from the bottle alone will not be enough to determine if a scent is right for you. Set up a diffuser in your house so you’re bathed in the glorious aromas the moment you walk through the door. Take a deep breath in and allow the aromas to gently relieve the stress and anxiety you are undoubtedly experiencing. Ahh—now isn't that better?

5. Shout it from the rooftops.

Taurus rules the throat (and the throat chakra) and this expressive full moon wants us to use our voices. Whether you’re campaigning for a cause, singing karaoke, or finally letting someone know how you REALLY feel, verbal expression is the name of the game now.

Caveat: full moons are highly emotional times, so if an unfiltered rush of feelings could cause a meltdown, vent to a neutral third party before storming off on a tirade. Remember that the raging Bull can do damage upon seeing red. A little anger management goes a long way. How can you get your point across in a way that is proactive rather than destructive? Meditate on that, then speak your piece.

If your words haven’t been getting the response you desire, use the Taurus supermoon to bring your throat chakra back into balance. Chanting and singing can help with this, as can drinking lots of water to bring more flow to the throat. This chakra is associated with the color blue. Wear a choker with blue stones or slip on an azure turtleneck. Make more of a point to listen this week too (even when you don't agree with what you're hearing), as gathering information from all sides can help you better shape your words.

Toning, or sound therapy, is also a great healing modality. For something really cutting-edge (and oh-so Taurus), check out The Integratron, an amazing structure built on a geomagnetic vortex in the Mojave Desert, where visitors experience an hourlong "sound bath" from quartz crystal singing bowls played at waves to match each chakra. (We visited ourselves on 11-11 last year and it was like we'd been called home to the Mothership).

6. Affirm your values.

What do you believe in and stand for the most? It's time to get behind it! Be it gender equality, women's rights, human rights or civil liberties, Taurus governs self-esteem and values. No, you don’t have to be bullish about your morals (especially since the Taurus full moon falls barely a week after Election Day). But having a guiding principle or two can give your life shape and direction. Be sure to practice what you preach—and if you're preaching, make sure that you are informed. If you’ve been loosey-goosey about your values, ground yourself in a mantra or a simple set of ideals that lend you some dignity.

7. Find out what's REALLY going on.

Because the Taurus supermoon moon falls during investigative Scorpio season, people can get riled up in an effort to expose what's really going on behind the scenes. Often, the no-bulls*** Bull can take down one of society's "sacred cows." While we love Taurus energy for its sensible, bottom-lining approach, too much of this can veer into bullheadedness or black-and-white thinking—or even bullheaded acts of rage that are outright scary and unacceptable.

However, the Taurus supermoon does push us into uncomfortable terrain, asking us to look beyond idealized views. It's time to open our eyes and to step outside our bubbles. The Taurus full moon, at its highest vibration, can help us champion integrity without destroying anyone's character along the way.

8. Be a treehugger.

You don’t have to be a patchouli-wearing hippie to get down with Mother Nature today (although that's fine...if you promise to employ a light touch on the body oil). Earthly Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and rules our rootedness, helping us develop the ability to build and manifest from a solid foundation.

Nothing represents that kind of stability better than a hundred-year old tree towering over our heads. If you can’t bring yourself to wrap your arms around that trunk, sit underneath it or lean on it for a bit. Visualize yourself absorbing its strength, security, ability to grow and regenerate. Thank the tree for its lessons, take a picture of it to remind you that nature is resilient and abundant—and so are you. And hey, if you want to meet a friend for a matcha and vegan tapas afterwards, we wouldn’t blame you a bit.

The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America. They have been dubbed “astrologers to the stars” after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides.

Read More About The AstroTwins

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More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America. They have been dubbed “astrologers to the stars” after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides.

Read More About The AstroTwins

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